Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Techo Paradise and a Little Honesty

A short Prologue :

Well, as a female I need to vent a little. Techno Paradise is writing an email and creating a document to be printed and being able to edit - and on and on - yet, could it be that females are perhaps less drawn to the techno "controls" then males? Ten years ago that would have been a valid blogging topic, but not today. Even a professor ( with a Dr. before his name ) I know admits to being "techno" challenged... It occurred to me that when I did get too deep into mp3 files or needing help with high tech recording tools, I had male sources to call =people that would assist, and help me through that driest of dry places - where technology makes little sense to the female brain ... at least the female brain which has turned 50 !! Yet, I sense that today, there are females quite comfortable with the sorting out of html language and the challenge of Audacity "how to's" - so perhaps it's not male or female -it's a factor of age? Hmmm- just accepting the change in mediums perhaps? But...I was among the first to have a laptop in 1995 ... Hmmm again !

Yet, since the course work in Techno Trends in Education , I have had to wade through the process alone and have actually had some success ! So this is a selfish pat on the back..
Creating links and languages -photos with effects..and now the movie. I am, however, hung up with Audacity and mp3 files - so I need to stop venting and get back to the Audacity Instructions and pretend to be a modern girl of 20 something !
Pardon me, back soon.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

“The real turtle soup or merely the mock?”

Technology makes it easier to write a song ..true or false?
In the opening entry, my goal was to bring forward my appreciation of the American Standard, and the Brazilian Bossa Nova. How much time went into the creation of these wonderful songs?

“Is it the real turtle soup or merely the mock?” - lyrics by Cole Porter indicate something..but what? Are techno updates and improvements real turtle soup? Well, yes... because they are here to stay! Modern computing technology has revolutionized the production of music. With a little research I learned that a laptop running a software digital audio workstation can now achieve things that even a multi-million dollar studio couldn’t do twenty years ago. But it has always been my impression that musicians want to create without going through endless software "how to's"..The range of features on a sequencer can be truly daunting, and sometimes this is actually a disadvantage when all you want to do is sit down and write a song…

Yes, It’s a new age... we can officially declare this “The Age of High-Tech Songwriting.”

And movie making....

And recording ....

and photography..

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

History of Songs

Here it goes: the entry point into the world of Blog~ I can hardly believe it.
The title for the blog is a slight nod to the great song "Jazz n' Samba" - a Jobim classic ( of course)...I have humbly chosen Jazz n' Songster .... to point to discussions of songs and their singular histories.

There are many friends in the jazz world dear to me, mostly dedicated musicians who toil in "obscurity" but one thing they know in abundance, is that each "tune" they play or sing has a history ... "it's own history, "a tail of sparkling "details" and "personal anecdotes"...therefore,
for this blog and the first entry, I am researching such a short story - as I find songs a rich world unto themselves. Jazz covers a very wide spectrum. One of the wonderful things about the people who play jazz is that they learn the American "standards" and therefore, keep these songs alive -- in our collective consciousness.

As an NYU Masters Student in Music Education I find that the lack of interest in our own American Jazz and Song Tradition leaves an empty space in the field of Music Education. If you ask a twenty -something about the great song writers of "Tin Pan Alley", they would look puzzled.Of course, the rap masters and teen singing idols of today are not part of my working knowledge, but their music has not withstood the test of time - as yet.
Could their be another Antonio Carlos Jobim?
..Another Cole Porter?
..Another Rodgers & Hart?
Could their vocabulary appear in a rap song?
Is our society more violent today ?
.........to be continued