Sunday, December 7, 2008

Reflections on radio history and podcasting

As a child, I loved the old radio in the kitchen- it became mine a year later: all the strange short wave sounds - listening to the BBC - great late night AM stations from hundreds of miles a way- Even comedy shows that were NOT prerecorded - they were spontaneous ...And the history of radio? where did it first start? with Reginald Fessenden and his successfully transmitted speech on December 23, 1900 over a distance of about 1.6 kilometers (one mile), which appears to have been the first audio radio transmission. A remarkable man and inventor - (people may think it was Marconi who invented the true radio model we use today but it was Reginald Fessenden)
A very interesting inventor and individual!!check him out !

The radio and now, Computer Radio.

Enter: The Podcast

Why is the Radio Guide Magazine writing about Podcasting? Because it's very clear to me the Internet coupled with personal technology like iPods and MP3 players have empowered everyone with a new voice while redefining what "Radio" is in the 2000s from both a technical and distribution sense. Although I love traditional Radio, I realize now that I must be willing to embrace new applications /a new paradigm.

I'm not going to blog that indeed, I learned in 15 minutes "how to do a podcast"
but it occurred to me that since it will be my final project for the Music Trend Course at NYU, I'll blog about my steps in learning this new "radio" vocabulary and
steps of learning and of doing that are involved.

OK - So first "what it is"- and this I have fully understood today -oh, that's the first accomplishment!!!

A Podcast is:

1. An audio file you create in .mp3 format...( OK I know this!!) HOORay!
2. Which contains your own radio show or any audio you wish others to have...(OK!)
3. That you upload along with an RSS (Really Simple Syndication) file to a server (your website for instance)...(
4. That your intended listeners download using one of several programs that have been created to retrieve your audio file automatically...
5. So they can listen to it at their convenience on their own iPod or .mp3 player.

That’s it. Now, don’t let things like “RSS file”, “server” or “.mp3 format” scare you. ( WELL, THANKS)

So, Apparently, I need to understand How to create an RSS file which holds the “directions” for sending your file when a user’s program like iPodder requests it


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